Beyond Skin Deep Workshop


Beyond Skin Deep: Is your lotion healthful or harmful?

Wednesday June 3rd 6:30-9PM

Alaska Health Improvement Center
Anchorage (click here for map & directions)

♦ how your skin functions
handouts to help you choose ingredients for your unique skin and exposure
♦ the best anti-aging ingredients in natural skincare
♦ toxins to avoid in conventional skincare
♦ the benefits of choosing ingredients that work for you
♦ BRING your own products; see if they are healthful or harmful
♦ and the opportunity to discuss health and diet advice with the experts, especially as pertains to your skin

Make your own custom skin moisturizer.

Select a lotion base that’s right for you and then add your custom essential oil.

Relax & recharge, make your custom bath product.

A bath doesn’t just clean; create beauty on the inside.

Space is limited to 15: just $25 $20 when you register by May 31st

(includes all materials, handouts and more…)

10 in stock