Success Health Coach - Expertly grow your health and wellness practice successfully and stress free

I identified and removed food sensitivities.

After retiring about a year ago, I went on “vacation mode”: I got lots of exercise in my favorite sports but on “party mode” I was eating more snacks, social drinking… I gained weight and no changes I made on my own got rid of it.

Through this cleanse, I was able to identify and remove foods I am sensitive to. I looked at problem eating patterns more objectively and accelerated my weight loss. Beyond my weight loss goals, my joint pain and bloating went away. I’m less sluggish in the morning and people tell me I look “different; good!”

I really liked having guidance to get past my resistance to change unhealthy habits. Sending my daily short write-ups me feel committed and I loved receiving positive reinforcement—very different than plans I have been on in the past.
—Cher H, Lincoln NE

    Please fill this out thoroughly and completely so I can prepare for our appointment tomorrow. I'm looking forward it!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Date MM-DD-YYYY
    What positive changes have you noticed since your last session?

    Of the things we discussed, what steps have you been able to complete? How did that go?
    What steps still need to be done? What is stopping you from taking those steps?

    What are your key questions for this session?

    # hours sleep last night
    Is this typical? Please describe your current sleep patterns.

    How is your digestion and bowel movements? Any change? Please describe in detail.

    Since we last spoke, any emotional situations?

    How much do you weigh today?

    Are you cooking more?

    Typical breakfasts (anything to note?)
    Typical lunches (anything to note?)
    Typical Dinners (anything to note?)
    What do you snack on?
    How much liquids do you drink and what are they?

    Thank you!