Rejuveo 21-day cleanse Guidebook

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    About Marie

    Marie A. Sternquist, MS has made it her life purpose to help individuals enjoy good health by helping research and identify effective natural healing tools. After a ten year career as research scientist for Amgen, Inc., including the development of therapeutics and diagnostic tests for the anemias of cancer and renal failure, Marie became owner and CEO of a physical therapy clinic focusing on functional and alternative treatment approaches to chronic pain. She also completed her PhD candidacy and four years of research into the molecular and cellular processes of early nervous system development at the Neuroscience program at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. During the next two decades, Marie developed and facilitated a wide range of research projects examining the health effects associated with the storage of drugs and chemicals in human tissue; research conducted in collaboration with scientists across the US. Marie is an accomplished international speaker and this research is published in medical journals. Marie is also a graduate of the Institute of Integrated Nutrition and sees clients regularly as well as pursuing an ongoing natural health research agenda. Keep centered on what matters most to YOU. Your first consultation is always FREE, email marie at
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